E+ informative meetings for higher VET

If you missed the meetings about the Erasmus programme this year for higher VET students, here you’ll find all the necessary information in order to apply for your mobility. Info-Erasmus_2021-22-1Descarga

E+ Experiences

We are having the E+ informative meetings these days, and our E+ students from last year have wanted to share their fantastic experience to encourage their classmates to apply for one mobility. First of all, we have Javier, from Galway -Ireland-, where he stayed...

End of mobilities!

Our two mobilities have just come to a successful end, despite the uncertain scenario we have endured this year. Congratulations to our two brave students, Javier and Andrea! They have made the most out of their mobilities, and they have also both decided to stay at...

Chatting with our partners in Sicily

Today we’ve joined a Facebook Live with our intermediary partners in Sicily -EProjectConsult-, where Andrea is carrying out her traineeship. We wanted to focus on the personal and professional impact of international mobilities for our students, and we’ve...